Psychoanalytical Notebooks

of the London Society of the NLS
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  • Psychoanalytical Notebooks

Psychoanalytical Notebooks is a journal of the London Society of the New Lacanian School and has been published since 1998. Its primary aim, from inception, has been to enlighten the English-speaking community of Lacanians worldwide. We have always embraced with great pleasure the generous contributions from Jacques-Alain Miller whose inspiring work continues to elucidate the later teaching of Lacan as part of the Lacanian Orientation. And we welcome a plethora of psychoanalytical elaborations by analysts from various Schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, together with testimonies of ongoing work by colleagues from the London Society, which demonstrate the desire to work and analytical passions at work. PN is in this sense a crossroad where analytical articulations, testimonies of the Pass of the School, and live debates interlace and resonate, responding to the crucial questions of psychoanalysis today, including those of the clinic, love, femininity, politics, and ethics.

Click here for our new YouTube channel Psychoanalytical Notebooks Live! where you will find recordings of readings. The first is the shared reading by cartelisands in India and the UK of Lacan’s “British Psychiatry and the War” which was recently republished in PN33. The reading commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day and took place 8 May 2020.

Click here for an alphabetical list by author of articles published in Psychoanalytical Notebooks Nos. 1-29

Publications Contact

If you have any queries about the current or past issue of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks, or have an interest in submitting a text, please fill out this form:

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks

    Past issues

    P & p costs are: UK – £2.00, EU – £5.00, rest of the world – £7.00

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #42/43

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #42/43

    2024 | "The Point of Anxiety"
    Woman does not exist

    Scilicet 2022

    2022 | Edited By J.-A. Miller, C. Alberti & A. Harari
    Returning to Lacan´s Seminar XVII

    Returning to Lacan´s Seminar XVII

    2023 | Edited By Rogger Litten & Colin Wright
    The Lacanian Review #14

    The Lacanian Review #14

    2023 | "Love event"
    The Feminine

    The Feminine

    2022 | By Marie-Hélène Brousse
    The Lacanian Review #13

    The Lacanian Review #13

    2022 | "The Woman"
    The Lacanian Review #12

    The Lacanian Review #12

    2022 | "American Lacan"
    Psychoanalysis Under Nazi Occupation

    Psychoanalysis Under Nazi Occupation

    2021 | The Origins, Impact and Influence of the Berlin Institute
    The Lacanian Review #11

    The Lacanian Review #11

    2021 | "The Art of Singularities"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #38

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #38

    2021 | "The Other, the One"
    Letters in Quarantine

    Letters in Quarantine

    2021 | Edited by Florencia F.C. Shanahan


    2020 | Dreams
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #36

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #36

    2020 | "Formation of the Analyst"
    The Lacanian Review #9

    The Lacanian Review #9

    2020 | "Still life?"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #35

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #35

    2020 | "Purloined Letters"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #35

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #34

    2020 | "Paradigms of Jouissance"
    The Lacanian Review #8

    The Lacanian Review #8

    2019 | "Nightmare"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #33

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #33

    2019 | "The Real and The Social Bond"
    The Lacanian Review #7

    The Lacanian Review #7

    2019 | "Get Real"
    The Lacanian Review #6

    The Lacanian Review #6

    2018 | "¡Urgent!"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #32

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #32

    2018 | "Lacanian Politics and the Impasses of Democracy Today"
    The Lacanian Review #5

    The Lacanian Review #5

    2018 | "Delights of the Ego"
    The Lacanian Review #4

    The Lacanian Review #4

    2018 | "Family Dramas Family Traumas"
    The Lacanian Review #3

    The Lacanian Review #3

    2017 | "Segregations"
    The Lacanian Review #2

    The Lacanian Review #2

    2016 | "Sex all over the place"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #31

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #31

    2016 | "Brief Encounters"
    The Lacanian Review #1

    The Lacanian Review #1

    2016 | "Oh my god(s)!!"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #30

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #30

    2015 | "Special Issue"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #29

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #29

    2015 | "Sexual Orientation"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #27

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #27

    2013 | "Science and the real"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #26

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #26

    2013 | "Psychosis today"
    Culture/Clinic #1

    Culture/Clinic #1

    2013 | We're All Mad Here
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #24

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #24

    2012 | "Subject Supposed to Know"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #23

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #23

    2011 | "Our Orientation"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #22

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #22

    2011 | "Lacanian Practice"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #20

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #20

    2010 | "Object a and The Semblant"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #19

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #19

    2009 | "Ordinary psychosis"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #18

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #18

    2009 | "Obsessional Neurosis"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #16

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #16

    2007 | "Regulation and Evaluation"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #15

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #15

    2006 | "The Name(s)-of-the-Father"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #14

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #14

    2005 | "Responses from Psychoanalysis"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #13

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #13

    2005 | "Lacan With Joyce"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #11

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #11

    2003 | "Sexuation and Sexuality"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #10

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #10

    2003 | "Formation Of The Analyst"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #9

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #9

    2002 | "Fictions in Psychoanalysis"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #8

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #8

    2002 | "Jacques Lacan 1901 - 2001"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #6

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #6

    2001 | "Representation and Perception"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #5

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #5

    2001 | "Fantasy and Castration"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #4

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #4

    2000 | "Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis"
    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #2

    Psychoanalytical Notebooks #2

    1999 | "The Unconscious "

    Purchases and Subscriptions

    Individual or institutional online purchases including iBooks and Kindle versions:

    • A single issue (except PN 33-36) is £15.00 plus p&p (Institutions £20 plus p&p)
    • A single issue of PN 33-36 is £12.00 plus p&p (Institutions £15 plus p&p)
    • Postage and packing: UK £2 EU €4 Others £6.00

    For subscriptions please contact Sophia Berouka [email protected]