Psychoanalytical Notebooks
Alphabetical list of all the articles that have appeared in the Psychoanalytical Notebooks Nos. 1-29
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Psychoanalytical Notebooks
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- Adams, Parveen, “The Sexual Relation in James Joyce and in Cronenberg’s Crash”, PN13, 2005.
- Aguirre, Maria-Cristina, “Anxiety and the Search for Happiness”, PN14, 2005.
- Alvarenga, Elisa, “The Contingency of the Phallus and the End of Analysis”, PN21, 2010.
- Ansermet, François, “Same Sex Procreation”, PN29, 2015.
- Ansermet, Francois, “Trace and Object”, PN27, 2014.
- Arenas, Alicia, “Episodic or What Lacan’s Teachings are Not, ” PN8, 2002.
- Arenas, Alicia, “Comments on ‘The Supposed to Know to Read otherwise'”, PN24, 2012.
- Asnoun, Marie-José, “What is it to hear?”, PN6, 2001.
- Attié, Joseph, “The Analytic Symptom or the Question of Identity”, PN7, 2002.
- Attié, Joseph, “This Mad Play of Writing”, PN13, 2005.
- Attié, Joseph, “Melancholia”, PN20, 2010.
- Barthelemy, Odile, “From the Father of Origins to the Origin of the Father”, PN2, 1999.
- Bassols, Miquel, “Address of the President of the ESP”, PN1, 1998.
- Bassols, Miquel, “The Analyst and His Politics”, PN8, 2002.
- Bassols, Miquel, “The (a)Sexed Object”, PN11, 2003.
- Bassols, Miquel, “The Future of the Pass”, PN16, 2007.
- Bassols, Miquel, “There is No Science of the Real”, PN27, 2014.
- Béraud-Bogino, Anne, “Ontological Anxiety in a Case of Psychosis”, PN14, 2005.
- Berenguer, Enric, “The Challenge of Perversion”, PN11, 2003.
- Berenguer, Enric&MarielaRoizner, “On Route to Speaking Speech Taking Shape in Autism, PN25, 2012.
- Bertrand-Godfrey, Betty, “Jealousy as a Name of the Father?”, PN27, 2014.
- Biagi-Chai, Francesca, “Jouissance, Nomination, Semblant”, PN26, 2013.
- Biagi-Chai, Francesca, “An approach to the case of Harold Shipman”, PN24, 2012.
- Blancard, Marie-Hélène, “The Invention of a Writing”, PN20, 2010.
- Blancard, Marie-Hélène, “The Uncanny Incontestably Falls Under the Imaginary”, PN23, 2011.
- Blanchet, Réginald, “The Transitional Space of Psychoanalytic Transference”, PN17, 2008.
- Bonnaud, Hélène, “The ‘Homophobe'”, PN29, 2015.
- Bonnaud, Hélène, “True Love!”, PN29, 2015.
- Bonningue, Catherine, “The Woman Without a Body”, PN21, 2010.
- Bonningue, Catherine, “Family Secret and Castration”, PN5, 2001.
- Bourlez, Fabrice, “Psychoanalysis and the Phoenix”, PN29, 2015.
- Briole, Guy, “The Dream: An Interpretation of the Subject”, PN2, 1999.
- Briole, Guy, “Glimpse”, PN6, 2001.
- Briole, Guy, “Error and Misunderstanding”, PN27, 2014.
- Britton, Howard, “Teaching between S1 and S2”, PN8, 2002.
- Brodsky, Graciela, “Applied Psychoanalysis: Five References”, PN10, 2003.
- Brodsky, Graciela, “Truth and Lies”, PN20, 2010.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Ordinary Psychosis in the Light of Lacan’s Theory of Discourse”, PN26, 2013.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Hysteria and Sinthome”, PN3, 1998.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Sexual Position and the End of Analysis”.PN3, 1999.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “The Push-to-the-Woman: A Universal in Psychosis?”, PN11, 2003.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Separation Anxiety: A New Light Cast on Feminine Anxiety”, PN14, 2005.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “A Difficulty in Women’s Analysis”, PN21, 2010.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “The Names, the Father, the Symptom”, PN9, 2002.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Love of the Sinthome against a Hatred of Difference”, PN16, 2007.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “When it Ceases”, PN17, 2008.
- Brousse, Marie-Hélène, “Ordinary Psychosis In The Light Of Lacan’s Theory Of Discourse”, PN19, 2009.
- Brussels Clinical Section, Brussels Clinical Section, Brussels Clinical Section – “Transference & Borderline Psychosis”, PN17, 2008.
- Burgoyne, Bernard, “A Neighbourhood on the Montagne Sainte Genevieve”, PN8, 2002.
- Burgoyne, Bernard, “Curtailments of Desire”, PN14, 2005.
- Caroz, Gil, “Going Through Anxiety: An Introduction”, PN14, 2005.
- Caroz, Gil, “Some Remarks on the Direction of the Treatment in Ordinary Psychosis”, PN19, 2009.
- Carpentier, Dominique, “From the Complaint to Transference”, PN17, 2008.
- Carpentier, Philippe, “There is no Guarantee”, PN6, 2001.
- Carpentier, Philippe, “L’enceinte du buisson”, PN9, 2002.
- Carpentier, Philippe, “Anxiety and Repression”, PN14, 2005.
- Cassin, Josiane, “The Child and the Siren”, PN9, 2002.
- Cassin, Roger, “Time-Lag”, PN6, 2001.
- Cassin, Roger, “Opening Address”, PN9, 2002.
- Castanet, Hervé, “A Subject in the Fog”, PN7, 2002.
- Castanet, Hervé, “Violaine, Or It Happened At The Smurfs Club”, PN19, 2009.
- Castanet, Hervé, “A subject in the fog”, PN26, 2013.
- Castanet, Hervé, “Theo – The Quest For the Ideal Double”, PN29, 2015.
- Castanet, Hervé, “Desire Against Oedipus”, PN29, 2015.
- Charraud, Nathalie, “Cantor with Lacan (1)”, PN3, 1999.
- Charraud, Nathalie, “Cantor with Lacan (2)”, PN4, 2000.
- Charraud, Nathalie, “A Passion for the Dice, the Other Side of Statistics”, PN16, 2007.
- Charraud, Nathalie, “Are You Neurophile or Neurosceptic?”, PN22, 2011.
- Chiriaco, Sonia, “The Joke”, PN22, 2011.
- Cottes, Jean-François, “Je suisfoyante”, PN26, 2013.
- Cottet, Serge, “On Feminine Obsessional Neurosis”, PN18, 2012.
- Cottet, Serge, “Four Preliminary Questions to a Renewal of the Clinic”, PN4, 2000.
- Cottet, Serge, “Fire on the Symbolic Order”, PN15, 2006.
- Cottet, Serge, “UPO: Unidentified phobic objects”, PN28, 2014.
- Coussot, Martine, “The ringing of the object”, PN23, 2011.
- D’Angelo, Lucia, “The Perversions: Private Morality, Public Jouissance”, PN7, 2002.
- D’Angelo, Lucia, “Notes for an Update of the Clinic”, PN11, 2003.
- Dachy, Vincent, “Do not Confuse the Real(s)”, PN3, 1999.
- Dachy, Vincent, “On the Affect of Pain in Psychoanalysis”, PN10, 2003.
- Dachy, Vincent, “Towards Sexual Knotality”, PN11, 2003.
- Dachy, Vincent, “Scribbledygook: Remarks on Psychoanalysis and Literature”, PN13, 2005.
- Dachy, Vincent, “A Real on the Tip of the Tongue”, PN15, 2006.
- Dachy, Vincent, “Being by Numbers”, PN16, 2007.
- Dachy, Vincent, “Seven critical and invigorating remarks…”PN28, 2014.
- Dagnino, Sylvie, “A week with ABA”, PN25, 2012.
- de Georges, Philippe, “A Thought that Burdens the Soul”, PN18, 2011.
- de Georges, Philippe, “On Jouissance”, PN20, 2010.
- de Georges, Philippe, “Construction of the Case”, PN22, 2011.
- De Souza, Maria, “From the Subject of Science to the Subject of the Unconscious”, PN3, 1999.
- Declercq, Frédéric, The Practice of Variable Sessions, PN6, 2001.
- Deffieux, Jean-Pierre, The Use of Metonymy in a Case of Psychosis, PN4, 2000.
- Deffieux, Jean-Pierre, Not so Rare a Case, PN7, 2002.
- Deffieux, Jean-Pierre, Not so rare a case, PN26, 2013.
- Deltombe, Hélène, The Child and Lalangue, PN13, 2005.
- Deltombe, Hélène, CBT and the Rejection of the Unconscious, PN16, 2007.
- Deltombe, Hélène, From autism to speech, PN25, 2012.
- Demuynck, JoostDemuynck, Anxiety, a Nomination, PN14, 2005.
- Depelsenaire, Yves, The White Goddess, PN15, 2006.
- Dessal, Gustavo, The Strange And Mysterious Disappearance Of Mr. K’s Voice, PN19, 2009.
- Dessal, Gustavo, A Diagnostic Problem, PN7, 2002.
- Dessal, Gustavo, The Future of Psychoanalysis, PN17, 2008.
- Dewambrechies-La Sagna, Carole, The true anorexia of a young girl, PN23, 2011.
- Dhéret, Jacqueline, Julien, PN29, 2015.
- Di Ciaccia, Antonio, “The Love of God and of the Neighbour”, PN3, 1999.
- Di Ciaccia, Antonio, “The Queer Brother”, PN29, 2015.
- Doguet-Dziomba, Marie-Hélène, Destiny of the Strange Object in a Cure, PN14, 2005.
- Doguet-Dziomba, Marie-Hélène, Medication under Transference, PN17, 2008.
- Dravers, Philip, Making-do with jouissance, PN4, 2000.
- Dravers, Philip, Joyce & the Sinthome: Aiming at the Fourth term of the Knot, PN13, 2005.
- Dravers, Philip, The drive as a fundamental concept of psychoanalysis, PN23, 2011.
- Elberbaum, Yotvat, Two Moments of Anxiety, PN14, 2005.
- Esqué, Xavier, The Last Session, PN17, 2008.
- Evans, Julia, Wellbeing and Happiness…, PN16, 2007.
- Evans, Julia, Testimony of Experience, by Bruce Scott., PN29, 2015.
- Fajersztajn, Rachel, ‘I Love to You’, PN3, 1999.
- Fajnwaks, Fabian, Homosexuality and the Desire for a Child, PN29, 2015.
- FernándezCoria Shanahan, Florencia, In me more than me, PN24, 2012.
- Focchi, Marco, Number in science and in psychoanalysis, PN27, 2014.
- Fonteneau, Françoise, Symptom and Theory, PN18, 2018.
- Forrester, John, CBT and Pascal’s Wager, PN14, 2005.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “Two Statuses of the Symptom”, PN7, 2002.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “The Man with A Hundred Thousand Hairs”, PN12, 2004.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “The Option of Anxiety”, PN14, 2005.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “City Full Of Ghosts”, PN19, 2009.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “Hypermodern civilisation and contemporary symptom”, PN23, 2011.
- Gault, Jean-Louis, “Chinese chronicles: 1. The two ways of speech. 2. This is a walking stick. 3. Me phunai. 4. Mystery of incarnation”, PN24, 2012.
- Georgiou, Penny, “Lacan’s Hamlet”, PN5, 2001.
- Georgiou, Penny, “Letter to Skills for Health, Department of Health from LS-NLS”, PN16, 2007.
- Glynos, Jason, “Formalising-to-the-Limits and the End of Analysis”, PN2, 1999.
- Grasser, Yasmine, “M-A-N, basic M-A-N, M-A-N oowaza body”, PN13, 2005.
- Grigg, Russell, “Enjoy-meant of Language and Jouissance of the Letter”, PN8, 2002.
- Grigg, Russell, “Language As Sinthome In Ordinary Psychosis”, PN19, 2009.
- Grisar, Philippe, “Dis-connection: treatment of an 11-year-old boy”, PN23, 2011.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Women and the Symptom: the Case of the Post-Freudians”, PN7, 2002.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “The Unbearable Between Psychoanalysis and the Feminist Debate”, PN8, 2002.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Discretion of the Analyst in the Post-Interpretative Era”, PN2, 1999.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “The Pass Between Knowledge and Belief”, PN3, 1999.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Partner-Symptom and Fictions”, PN9, 2002.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Symptomatic Homeostasis in Psychoses”, PN12, 2004.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “The Battle of Psychoanalysis in the Twenty First Century”, PN14, 2005.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Paradoxes of the Births of Transference”, PN17, 2008.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Semblants and Fictions in the Clinic with Children”, PN20, 2010.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Shame, by Steve McQueen: New York, New York, galaxy of the Ones all alone”, PN24, 2012.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “The Lost Part”, PN29, 2015.
- Guéguen, Pierre-Gilles, “Marriage, Divorce and Company”, PN29, 2015.
- Gutermann-Jacquet, Deborah, “The Invention of Civil Marriage in 1792”, PN29, 2015.
- Halfon, David, “Homosexuality in Freud’s Oeuvre”, PN29, 2015.
- Haney, Janet, “Like an Open Sky – a film by Mariana Otero”, PN28, 2014.
- Harrison, Stella, “From Rights to Desire, and Back Again?”, PN29, 2015.
- Harrison, Stella, “Homosexualities, Desire for Motherhood or Children”, PN29, 2015.
- Hawkes, Claire, “The man Who Came in From the Cold”, PN25, 2012.
- Horne, Bernardino, “Phobia as a Turntable”, PN7, 2002.
- Huler, Susana, “The Only Judgement of Existence is Action”, PN14, 2005.
- Huler, Susana, “True or Real”, PN25, 2012.
- Hyldgaard, Kirsten, “Heidegger’s Anxiety Versus Lacan’s”, PN14, 2005.
- Iddan, Claudia, “Laughter: A Transformation of Anxiety”, PN14, 2005.
- Jaanus, Maire, “The Passage-to-the-Act in Anna Karenina”, PN14, 2005.
- Jaanus, Maire, “Ordinary Happiness in Lispector’s Stream of Life”, PN19, 2009.
- Jaax, Stefanie, “The Mother’s Mouth is Like the Mouth of a Big Crocodile…”, PN12, 2004.
- Johansson-Rosen, “Patricia, Woman with Postiche”, PN21, 2010.
- Johansson-Rosen, “Patricia, Of a Love that would be the Semblant”, PN3, 1999.
- Kivland, Sharon, “Hors Corps”, PN29, 2015.
- Klein, Richard, “Enjoyment of the Empty Box”, PN9, 2002.
- Klein, Richard, “The Birth of Gender”, PN11, 2003.
- Klein, Richard, “Responsibility in Psychoanalysis”, PN3, 1999.
- Klein, Richard, “Gaze and Representation”, PN6, 2001.
- Klein, Richard, “The Consequences”, PN8, 2002.
- Klein, Richard, “Training Effect”, PN10, 2003.
- Klein, Richard, “Delusional Identification”, PN12, 2004.
- Klein, Richard, “From Church and State to Psychoanalysis”, PN14, 2005.
- Klein, Richard, “The Atypical Citizen under Threat…”, PN17, 2008.
- Klotz, Jean-Pierre, “Perception and Psychosis”, PN6, 2001.
- Klotz, Jean-Pierre, “To Promote a Symptom’s Culture”, PN14, 2005.
- Klotz, Jean-Pierre, “Ordinary Psychosis And Modern Symptoms”, PN19, 2009.
- La Sagna, Philippe, “On the Public Utility of Psychoanalysis”, PN16, 2007.
- La Sagna, Philippe, “The Obsessional’s Objects”, PN18, 2010.
- La Sagna et al., Philippe, “Science and the name of the father”, PN27, 2014.
- Lacadée, Philippe, “The Singularity of a Psychic Reality: Psychoanalysis applied to a Case of Ordinary Psychosis”, PN15, 2006.
- Lacan, Jacques, “On Hysteria”, PN21, 2010.
- Lacan, Jacques, “British Psychiatry and the War”, PN4, 2000.
- Lacan, Jacques, “Note on the Child”, PN20, 2010.
- Lacroart, Anne, “Cartel and Beyond”, PN9, 2002.
- Laurent, Dominique, “Disidentification of a Woman”, PN8, 2002.
- Laurent, Dominique, “The Subject and Its Libidinal Partners”, PN11, 2003.
- Laurent, Dominique, “An Intelligent Woman”, PN12, 2004.
- Laurent, Dominique, “Dominique Laurent – What is Called Sex…”, PN22, 2011.
- Laurent, Dominique, “Paradoxical Effects in the Pass”, PN10, 2003.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Pass and the Guarantee in the School”, PN2, 1999.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Real and the Group”, PN4, 2000.
- Laurent, Éric, “Feminine Positions of Being”, PN5, 2001.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Ethics of Psychoanalysis”, Today, PN8, 2002.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Purloined Letter and the Tao of the Psychoanalyst”, PN9, 2002.
- Laurent, Éric, “On the Right Use of Supervision”, PN10, 2003.
- Laurent, Éric, “New Norms of Homosexuality”, PN11, 2003.
- Laurent, Éric, “Three Enigmas: Meaning, Signification, Jouissance”, PN12, 2004.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Symptom and the Proper Name”, PN15, 2006.
- Laurent, Éric, “Blog-Notes: The Psychopathy of Evaluation”, PN16, 2007.
- Laurent, Éric, “Ordinary Interpretation”, PN19, 2009.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Uses of the Neurosciences for Psychoanalysis”, PN21, 2010.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Case, from Unease to the Lie”, PN22, 2011.
- Laurent, Éric, “Autism and Psychosis: Further Dialogue with Robert and RosineLefort”, PN25, 2012.
- Laurent, Éric, “Autism: Epidemic or the Ordinary State of the Subject?”, PN25, 2012.
- Laurent, Éric, “Research and Punish: Ethics Today”, PN25, 2012.
- Laurent, Éric, “Spectres of Autism”, PN25, 2012.
- Laurent, Éric, “Ordinary Psychosis”, PN26, 2013.
- Laurent, Éric, “Psychoanalytic Treatments of the Psychoses”, PN26, 2013.
- Laurent, Éric, “The Illusion of Scientism, the Anguish of Scientists”, PN27, 2014.
- Laurent, Éric, “Protecting the Child from the Family Delusion”, PN28, 2014.
- Laurent, Éric, “Reading Gabrielle and Richard with Little Hans”, PN28, 2014.
- Le Blanc, Guillaume, “The Unevaluable: The Timelessness of Canguilhem”, PN16, 2007.
- Leguil, Clotilde, “Lacanian Uses of Ontology”, PN23, 2011.
- Leguil, Clotilde, “Psychoanalysis Faced with Marriage For All”, PN29, 2015.
- Leguil, François, “About the Nature of Consent of the Analysands to the Short Session”, PN10, 2003.
- Leguil, François, “The Enigmatic Experience of Psychosis in the Practiceof Patient Presentations”, PN12, 2004.
- Leguil, François, “The Pass and Teaching”, PN8, 2002.
- Litten, Roger, “Transference and Demand in Psychosis”, PN4, 2000.
- Litten, Roger, “Desire Put to Work”, PN9, 2002.
- Litten, Roger, “We Are All Health Professionals Now”, PN14, 2005.
- Litten, Roger, “Letter to Skills for Health, Department of Health from ALP”, PN16, 2007.
- Litten, Roger, “Evaluation – a contemporary form of the social bond?”, PN23, 2011.
- Loose, Rik, “Joyce’s Administration”, PN13, 2005.
- Lopez, Maria J., “The Case Of Armand”, PN19, 2009.
- Low, Janet, “The New Bureaucracy”, PN17, 2008.
- Lysy, Anne, “Knowing How To Do With One’s Symptom”, PN25, 2012.
- Lysy-Stevens, Anne, “Transference & Psychosis”, PN17, 2008.
- Mahjoub, Lilia, “Obsession and Feminine Jouissance”, PN18, 2013.
- Malengreau, Pierre, “Free Association, a Contingent Practice”, PN17, 2008.
- Malengreau, Pierre, “The Treatment of an Obsessional”, PN18, 2016.
- Maleval, Jean-Claude, “Why so many ‘Borderlines’?”, PN4, 2000.
- Maleval, Jean-Claude, “Why is the Ideology of Evaluation Pernicious?”, PN21, 2010.
- Maleval, Jean-Claude, “Why the hypothesis of an autistic structure?”, PN25, 2012.
- Mariage, Véronique, “Hallucination of a Psychotic Child”, PN6, 2001.
- Mariage, Véronique, “The Psychoanalyst: An Effect of the Act”, PN10, 2003.
- Mariage, Véronique, “CBT’s hold over Children’s Speech”, PN16, 2007.
- Marret, Sophie, “Lewis Carroll – the Symbol and the Letter”, PN5, 2001.
- Marret, Sophie, “Epiphanies : James Joyce and Virginia Woolf”, PN9, 2002.
- Marret-Maleval, Sophie, “Marriage and Sexuality”, PN29, 2015.
- Mazzuca, Roberto, &Torres, Monica [Duplas], “The Paradoxes of the Desire to Analyse”, PN10, 2003.
- Merlet, Alain, “Coming to Terms with the Sinthome”, PN10, 2003.
- Meut, Catherine, “No Man’s Land, A Case That Is Not Exactly Ordinary”, PN19, 2009.
- Meut, Catherine, “Work on the disaster”, PN26, 2013.
- Miech, Michele, “How the Subject Enters the Picture”, PN6, 2001.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Report for the General Assembly: Barcelona ’99”, PN1, 1998.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Seminar of Barcelona”, PN1, 1998.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Interpretation in Reverse”, PN2, 1999.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Return from Granada: Knowledge and Satisfaction”, PN2, 1999.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Disparate”, PN3, 1999.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Of Semblants in the Relation Between Sexes”, PN3, 1999.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Contraindications to Psychoanalytical Treatment”, PN4, 2000.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Sinthome, a Mixture of Symptom and Fantasy”, PN5, 2001.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Jacques Lacan and the Voice”, PN6, 2001.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Logic of the Perceived”, PN6, 2001.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “I Am so Superficial’: A Clinical Conversation”, PN7, 2002.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Ironic Clinic”, PN7, 2002.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Jacques Lacan”, PN8, 2002.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Semblant and the Real”, PN9, 2002.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Analytic Session”, PN10, 2003.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Sexual Distribution”, PN11, 2003.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Equivalence Between the Other and the Symptom”, PN12, 2004.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Lacan with Joyce”, PN13, 2005.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Response of Psychoanalysis to Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy”, PN14, 2005.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Inexistent Seminar”, PN15, 2006.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Era of the Man Without Qualities”, PN16, 2007.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Clinic Under Transference”, PN17, 2008.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Pass Bis”, PN17, 2008.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Pivot of the Desire of the Other”, PN18, 2009.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Ordinary Psychosis Revisited”, PN19, 2009.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “On the Nature of Semblants Lacanian Clinic”, PN20, 2010.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Child, a Response from the Real”, PN20, 2010.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Family Bond in the Psychoanalytic Experience”, PN20, 2010.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Theory of Caprice”, PN21, 2010.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Transference, Repetition and Sexual Real”, PN22, 2011.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “From the Neurone to the Knot”, PN22, 2011.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Marginalia to ‘Constructions in Analysis'”, PN22, 2011.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “At the Coliseum”, PN23, 2011.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Mental Health and Public Order”, PN23, 2011.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Psychoanalysis, the City and Communities”, PN24, 2012.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Child and Knowledge”, PN24, 2012.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, et al, “The conversation of Arcachon” (extracts), PN26, 2013.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Ordinary Psychosis Revisited”, PN26, 2013.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Psychoanalysis, its Place Among the Sciences”, PN27, 2014.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Spare Parts”, PN27, 2014.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Child and the Object”, PN28, 2014.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “The Case of Sandy According to Jacques Lacan”, PN28, 2014.
- Miller, Jacques-Alain, “Gays in Analysis?”, PN29, 2015.
- Monnier, Jean-Luc, “Beyond the Oedipus: The Question of Femininity”, PN9, 2002.
- Monnier, Jean-Luc, “The Act of the Cut”, PN5, 2001.
- Monnier, Jean-Luc, “Ordinary Psychosis And Liquid Life”, PN19, 2009.
- Monribot, Patrick, “The Work of the Symptom”, PN10, 2003.
- Nanchen, Jacqueline, “The Hidden Life of Clotilde”, PN21, 2010.
- Nanchen, Jacqueline, “The Hidden Dimension of the Subject Supposed to Know is Anxiety”, PN14, 2005.
- Nanchen, Jacqueline, “Obsessional Neurosis: A Lesson on Desire”, PN18, 2014.
- Naparstek, Fabien, “Toxicomania of Yesterday and Today”, PN9, 2002.
- Naveau, Laure, “The Gentle Voice and the Empty Casket”, PN15, 2006.
- Naveau, Laure, “The Modesty of Hystory”, PN21, 2010.
- Naveau, Laure, “Bulimia and Perception of the Feminine Body”, PN6, 2001.
- Naveau, Laure, “The Symptom at the End of an Analysis”, PN24, 2012.
- Naveau, Laure, “The Other Man of His Life”, PN27, 2014.
- Naveau, Pierre, “Man’s Approach to Woman: A Logical Pathway”, PN11, 2003.
- Naveau, Pierre, “The Hysteric’s Refusal & the Two Jouissances”, PN21, 2010.
- Naveau, Pierre, “To Let Oneself Be Maltreated: Event and Fantasy”, PN5, 2001.
- Naveau, Pierre, “The Psychoanalyst’ Passion”, PN8, 2002.
- Naveau, Pierre, “Precariousness And Social Disinsertion”, PN19, 2009.
- Naveau, Pierre, “Desire or Care”, PN22, 2011.
- Naveau, Pierre, “Gerhard Richter, a Panorama”, PN24, 2012.
- Naveau, Pierre, “The Man Who Couldn’t Get Up in the Morning”, PN25, 2012.
- Naveau, Pierre, “Jealousy and the Hidden Gaze”, PN27, 2014.
- Naveau, Pierre, “The Party of Women”, PN29, 2015.
- Otero, Dinorah, “Attachad(a)”, PN25, 2012.
- Palomera, Vicente, “The Mermaids”, PN8, 2002.
- Palomera, Vicente, “The Transparent Veil and the Screen of Sexuation: a Case”, PN11, 2003.
- Palomera, Vicente, “An Error in Diagnosis: Causes and Consequences”, PN4, 2000.
- Parker, Ian, “The Regulation of Psychoanalysis & its Reverse”, PN17, 2008.
- Parker, Ian, Review: “The Subject of Psychosis: a Lacanian Perspective” by StijnVanheule, PN25, 2012.
- Perrin, Myriam, “Construction of an Autistic Dynamic: From the Extractor Fan to the Washing Machine”, PN25, 2012.
- Pester, Holly, “I Have Spoilt a Better Name Than My Own”, PN27, 2014.
- Piechotka, Ernesto, “Psychosis: Sex, Gender or Symptom?”, PN11, 2003.
- Piechotka, Ernesto, “A Patient Presentation: A Singular Encounter”, PN8, 2002.
- Pigkou, Anna, “Melite’sPantomime”, PN23, 2011.
- Place, Vanessa, “Here is a Joke”, PN25, 2012.
- Polley, Kevin, “DSM or the Clinical Structure of Psychosis”, PN1, 1998.
- Polley, Kevin, “The Operator of Dissolution”, PN2, 1999.
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