NLS Knottings Seminar— with Daniel Roy

NLS Knottings Seminar— with Daniel Roy

This is a seminar preparing our way towards the 21st NLS Congress and also a conversation on “School Time”

The Knottings Seminars are so-called because they actualise the working ties between the diverse groups inscribing themselves within the New Lacanian School (which is present in 12 European countries as well as Israel, Russia, Ukraine, the United States, and Australia). Each Seminar involves one of these groups or societies inviting a member from another within the NLS, as well as a representative of the NLS Executive Committee, to collaborate not only around the theme of that year’s annual Congress, but also, for the first time this year, around crucial questions of the School. Binding the rich diversity of the School together within a shared transference of work then, the Knottings Seminars are also an opportunity for those who are not very familiar with the School’s structure to experience its vitality.

The London Society is honoured to welcome back Daniel Roy, President of the NLS, who is returning to work with us for the second year in a row. The morning session will be dedicated to two clinical case presentations, one by our invited guest, Anna Pigkou, AMS, member of the NLS, WAP, and also of the Hellenic Society, which is a group of the NLS (Athens). The second and local case presentation will be by Susana Huller, AMS, member the NLS, WAP, and of the London Society. Our discussion of these cases will be guided by the theme of the next NLS Congress, urgent for our troubled times: “Discontent and Anxiety in the Clinic and in Civilization”. Daniel Roy presents the congress theme as such: “We have to think and demonstrate how this link between the clinic and civilisation comes about in our consideration of anxiety, where the presence of the object at stake can be revealed, which points towards another real, that of the jouissance specific to our condition as speaking bodies. Through the path of the object, which is also the path of desire, psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts can carry weight and measure up to the task.”

‘School Time’ will be held in the afternoon, and it will take the form of a conversation based on the first three texts of Jacques-Alain Miller’s recent book, How Analyses End: Paradoxes of the Pass. Daniel Roy will introduce the topic and there will be short presentations by members followed by discussion. The signifier ‘Pass’ is becoming more and more familiar in the English-speaking world thanks to the appointments of Analysts of the School within the NLS in recent years. If you are curious about what the pass is – a procedure invented by Jacques Lacan in 1967 to formally define the end of analysis– then ‘School Time’ is a precious opportunity to learn more by participating in the conversation!