NLS Knottings Seminar- with Daniel Roy

NLS Knottings Seminar— with Daniel Roy

This is a seminar preparing our way towards the XXth NLS Congress on “Fixation & Repetition”

The Knottings Seminars are organised by the NLS Executive Committee in collaboration with the bureau of the society in which the knotting is due to take place knotting together different parts of the School, while demonstrating the transference at work within it. The Society / Group of the NLS welcomes a member or representative of the Executive Committee, as well as a member of another Society/Group to work around the theme of the annual congress.

Our annual Knottings Seminar is a special and important moment in the life of our Society, a clinical and epistemic encounter. This year the London Society will welcome Daniel Roy, Vice-President of the NLS, who very willingly accepted our invitation to work with us. He will present a theoretical development of the theme, ‘Fixation and Repetition’. In the afternoon, there will be two clinical case presentations, one by Abe Geldof, chair of the Kring Voor Psychoanalyse and member of the NLS and WAP and by member of the London Society, Aino-Marjatta Mäki.

This event is particularly important as it is our first formal event to be held exclusively in person since the Covid pandemic.  It is a moment for our community to gather back together, en corps. We therefore look forward to welcoming back our colleagues and friends of the London Society as well as all those who might have met us online— being thereby introduced to the Lacanian Orientation online—for the first time.

For the argument of the Congress please visit: